COVID-19 has had a profound and long-lasting effect on almost every aspect of our lives. Not only have there been major restrictions to our normal routines, but we have lost many talented people in the process.
In these unprecedented times, we at HITS are committed to keeping the momentum to innovate going, especially within our workplace. Making sure our team works in a safe environment was our first priority and critical to maintaining this momentum. Closely following compliance security and safety guidelines made our return to the office a little bit easier and safer.
First and foremost, we needed a strategy that fit the startups ecosystem and ours, ensuring ongoing engagement and collaboration. A strategy that allows us to work in harmony in the same way we used to, but was also aligned with the 'new normal'. One key aspects is to schedule the startups to come in separate times and on different days; giving them the freedom to return to the workspace safely. From there we evolved the program to allow companies to be in the workspace on the same days, but at a low capacity. By today that capacity has increased to 60%, taking turns on who attends the office and who stays home. We ensure that the required distances between colleagues are kept and that masks are worn in common areas in the workplace.
Even though we are not yet all back at The Garage, we've managed to create a great environment with the same HITS magical touch. We hope to ramp back up to full capacity soon, but in the mean time we are adapting to thrive.
Watch the 'New Normal' @ The Garage here: